To make your own nametag visible, open the dev console and use the ToggleNameTag command. To use the in-game 'chat', open the dev console, and typeĭouble quotes are required if you have spaces in whatever you want to say. When a checkbox is blank, that means UNchecked, a checkbox with black square in it means CHECKED. If this does not say you joined, or failed to connect, then you may be experiencing a bug, open the dev console with the backtick key, usually under esc, and type SetName (not required, but recommended to ensure you don't show up as LazyNullName), and then Connect. To connect to a server, go into the designer, hit the new 'MP' button, type in the server IP address, and hit join. (Excluding how to host a server, if you do not intend to host a server) Carrier Bombing PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POST BEFORE DOWNLOADING